Starlink attacks SESTRAN parking plan

The fear was, as providing more space for cars increases car use, more rail passengers would drive to Leuchars rather than taking the bus, not just from St Andrews but from further afield, such as Dundee. And this sat oddly with the ‘virtual branch line’, as the bus service has been renamed. The convenor said, ‘It doesn’t say very much for this much-vaunted strategy and sends very mixed messages to passengers if 100 extra car-parking spaces are to be provided at Leuchars. A coherent transport strategy for St Andrews is needed rather than this tinkering at the edges. It is high time some serious work into making the business and environmental case for a new St Andrews railway was carried out. In my view the increased provision of car-parking spaces at Leuchars is a blunt instrument being applied to something that instead requires some fine tuning.’